Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moving Forward

Disappointment. That is the word of the day for me today. I know that when it comes down to brass tacks that how many A's you have in school is not too important in obtaining employment. I don't have to be perfect in school to be a great teacher. With that being said I still work hard and expect to give my best work and in turn be rewarded for that effort....with A's. Lately I have not been able to get an A to save my life and I can't handle it with grace like I know I should. In fact I got a B on my Lit paper today, and I cried. Not a few tears but full on monsoon type of cry. I know I have a problem with procrastination, and I need to get a handle on that because the effort it takes to stay on top of things is more managable than disappointment. I sincerly felt like giving up today. I knew it was going to be hard taking two 3 year classes in one semester with only one year under my belt, I didn't realize how hard. So disappointed with myself lately.

I am trying hard to remember:

:Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

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