Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Little Bit Of Crazy

     And here we go. I would love to make this blog all about me and tell you everything that has been going on. However, I don't have the energy or the time really to write the novel that is my life at the moment. I will give a few flashes into my psyche but it might be too intense for you so I will be brief! I think I am going crazy. Not like psycho murder crazy or mommy dearest loony....more like your average typical lock myself in a room and not give a hoot about the outside world for days while rocking and pulling out my hair insane. I made an appointment with my doctor today to talk about how i feel....and went to the appointment. I left after not being seen for over an hour and then he called me THREE times. So I called back to "reschedule" and they told me the earliest they could see me is Monday. I told them....forget it. Got to love the medical field. Sigh. So I am going to try and relax tonight.....oh wait..I cant. Marc is gone until NINE and I have to hold it together for the five kids in the house who are currently fighting like crazy right now. :(