Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life is good!

Procrastination. That is the word of the day. I hate that word yet I am the word's poster child. I don't know why I can't get it together most times. Putting things off to the last minute has been the theme of my life as of late. This has caused such a pile of stress with me and honestly, it is my own fault. I used to, before kids, be incredibly organized and on top of things. Now, when my life is full of tasks, I have lost all motivation to compartmentalize my life. Maybe I could hire a life coach to come in set my craziness on task. I have to do something. School for me is a lot of work and I need to stay on top of it.

I love two of the classes I am taking...and pretty much am annoyed with one of them. Language Arts and Development with young children and American Lit are my favorite classes. I love literature and learning how little ones develop language and become emergent readers is exciting. The American Lit class is fun. I love getting into discussions and I love learning new information from events that happened in the past. I have always loved to read biographies on authors and what motivations drove them and inspired them to write what they did. I loathe group projects though. They are stressful, especially when most people annoy me. Science, while I don't hate this class, is irritating. It is alot of busy work and I loathe busy work!

While we are talking about school, why is it so difficult for kids to just do the work? Seriously, Alex went from having all A's last year to failing three of her classes. I know the transition from charter school to a public school was a big shock for her. The teachers at Reeths Puffer are different than the educators I am used to. If you have a child in your class whom is failing, it would be logical to think that the teacher would be concerned and want to do everything they can to help that child...but not her teachers. I have to ride them just to communicate with me once in a blue moon. Even my college professors are more helpful. We are seriously considering not re-enrolling her at Reeths Puffer next year and putting her into Waypoint Academy which is the middle school/high charter school.! Making decisions like what they are going to wear, what to feed them, what time they go to bed, or when they need a bath....those decisions are easy and straight forward. I am finding that the older they get, the more difficult the decisions are. It is frustrating!

So this blog started out about procrastination and guess what? I am procrastinating right now. Sigh. I am going to have to log and get cracking on my science presentation! Later peoples!

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