Wednesday, October 27, 2010


        I apologize for the delay in updating everyone in the inner workings of my exciting life. I have very few  new things happening to me so I dont want to bore you. I am starting a new diet and I am bound and determined that this one will be successful. In the past diets have worked for a time and then BAM right back to my old ways. This needs to work, I am tired of being tired and tired of looking four times the size I was before kids. It is ridiculous! So I will keep all you readers posted on my successes and even my failures! 

          Mid term for one of my classes today sent my poor nerves into a tizzy. I still feel queasy and it has been over with since 9am. All the classes I have taken up to this point while challenging have not seemed to create such a panic feeling in my belly. This class sure did! My teacher is awesome and it is a smaller class but there is alot of information to remember and my brain is not quite ready for it. I don't know what I got...but I will post it when I know!

           Well, I suppose I should go work on some homework. Sloppy Joes for dinner....YEA! Hasta La Vista Baby!
Oh check out the cute cop I saw...wooohoo!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


      Having a child with Aspergers Syndrome is really challenging sometimes. We can have many "good" days were the biggest issue we have is Isaiah sending too many emails out to friends and family or calling Grandma or Aunt Jamie over and over until they talk to him. Those days are tolerable. Then there are days that turn into horrific moments when there is nothing I can do to calm him down or distract him from his fits. Today was one of those days. 
       This morning started out early for us. Every so often Isaiah has a breakfast date with his friend Mrs. Robinson, a fifth grade teacher at Timberland. In order for him to have this date we need to leave the house 15-20 mins earlier than our normal schedule. Isaiah will not let us dilly dally on these days. OH MY GOODNESS! He was up, dressed and ready to go by 6:15. Since we didn't have to leave until 6:55, he had 40 mins to start stressing that we were going to be late. So he recalculated our schedule so he wouldn't miss breakfast and told me that we had to drop him off at school first. That was not going to happen, but once he put it in his mind there was no changing it. We left on time and because I had to get gas we had to take a different route to drop Alex off at school. OH MY GOODNESS. He had a complete and utter melt down. There was no getting him out of it. He literally threw a fit for thirty mins in the car. Once we got to school...he stopped. Because I made it there with three mins to spare everything that had tilted off his "axis" suddenly righted itself and he did a 180 and was fine. 
     I know that this is "normal" Aspergers and that all children in the Autism Spectrum have similar moments. That does not negate the fact that every time Isaiah has an "episode" of this magnitude that I don't walk away feeling emotionally drained. I understand that because he is high functioning there are parents out there with harder issues to deal with. I am not disputing that at all. I just feel overwhelmed with this responsibility of dealing with a child with special needs. I don't know sometimes if I can do it. WHEW! 
     Sorry for the rambling...I am tired and need to start working on my Study guide for my mid term. I am going to go take a shower....wash the morning out of my system...and start fresh...probably with a cup of coffee! 

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
~ Unknown

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I know it might seem like I am whining and....well ok...I am whining...but what is the point in loading down a student with so much stinking homework. I mean I understand the need to teach a student in middle school and high school responsibility...but what about the full grown adult with already more responsibilities than they can  handle? I mean a little slack would be nice. I don't need my character developed or need to learn any life lessons. This is what I signed up for I realize....however it gets to be a bit much. Ok, rant is now over. I should probably go get started on my homework but I think I might read a book for fun or watch a tv show. Procrastination might be beneficial for my sanity this evening!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Flashback May 21, 2006

So I went and read some of my livejournal ramblings and found my ramblings on dryer sheets...thought you might enjoy!

Previously on Kris' Blog: I know that is has been a while since I posted an update or anything for that matter. And it is not like I have been not around...I visit this site all the time...but I for some reason have not had the energy to sit down and actually put my thoughts into words and then type those words out for a blog...not that I really even have anything all that interesting to relay. Some of my friends when they post they wax philosophical and go deep....well I am not that person right now...and some of my friends have interesting lives so they can post these long entries about where they have been and who they hung out with.....also not me at the moment:( In fact the biggest thought that has been plauguing me lately has not been very deep nor very exciting. But since I have to post something here it goes: Dryer to most people they are not a very important thought topic but to me this is top on my mind. I have bought three packs of dryer sheets this I buy the big 100 sheet packs so given the fact that I loathe laundry....I should have two and a half packs left at least....right?? WRONG. Somehow after opening a new pack of dryer sheets and using them for about a week.....the dryer sheets and all evidence of them flat out disappear. How you might ask? Well if I knew, than I would not be so perplexed. I am so frustrated right now because I have staticy and not so fresh smelling laundry because of my dryer sheet mystery. Now I know that I could use my fabric softener on my clothes....but I only use my DOWNY (which is over $4 a bottle....a small bottle) for towels and sheets. I want to find my dryer sheets. That is all. Life would fall back into place and the world would once again begin to spin on its axis...dryer sheets...simple. So, if you have read this whole post then you are probably Marc and you are wondering why I am at the computer and not actually doing the laundry instead of complaining about it.....and if you are not Marc...well i am sorry you wasted all this time to see if I had anything deep to say...because I dont. I am going to go now and wash some clothes and vacuum....Goodbye

Yes folks...those following my blogs are in for a treat that is for sure! My life, while more busy now has not really increased in its excitement. I still have great house mysteries that I would like to solve...for example...WHAT HAPPENNING TO MARC'S PANTS(they keep disappearing). Unfortunately for the readers these are not all that enthralling and I apologize profusely! Well keep the faith that someday I might offer  you something of value and worth and until then I hope at the very least I can midly entertain you with my outlook on the boring and mundane! In the words of a famous philosopher "Peace and Chicken Grease!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First day back on the blog track.

So I remember the days of Livejournal and I really miss the ability to share my thoughts and feelings in more than 432 characters. Call me old fashion but updating statuses are nice but they are really only glimpses into someone's psyche and not really deep. Not that I plan on being deep, I just don't have the personality to wax poetic on a constant basis. If anyone ever read my previous blogs then they know I can type a complete diatribe on where in the world all the matching socks disappear too (some of my best work by the way!). 

I have been feeling really overwhelmed lately and most of it is my fault. It was my decision to go back to school and holy smokies is that harder than I thought it would be. I know I have intelligence and drive in me, however locating it has proved to be somewhat of a challenge!  Case in point I had to use this computers awesome spell checker thingie alot in writing these ramblings! I know in the end all this hard work is worth it. It is just not a big neon sign in my life right now!

This has gone on far longer than I had intended so I will leave you with something I decided to implement into my life as much as possible. Life is a mirror. I would like my mirror to smile at me, so I need to start smiling at it.  So don't be creeped out if I start smiling at  you for no apparent reason, I am just trying to get my smile back!